Helios437 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/helios437/art/Final-Doom-PSX-Nostalgia-337105083Helios437

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Helios437's avatar

Final Doom PSX Nostalgia



A final doom pic inspired from days of old when all I had to play doom was a playstation.

Back then, all my mates had doom on their PC's, but my cruddy old 386 (bless it) just wasn't grunty enough, which sucked major balls, because for better or worse, I was absolutely obsessed about this game.

So when my ma and pa finally got me a PS1 for xmas, one of the first games I got was final doom (most others had the original doom for PSX, so I got this instead). And could barely tear myself away from the TV to join in the festive celebrations (seriously, I don't think I even slept that night!).

One moment that stuck with me was walking through an underground river while the starry sky above me lit the halls in a dull blue haze (the PSX versions lighting and ambient music was vastly superior to PC in my opinion, Despite the lo res graphics and missing monsters). So... I decided to paint it.

Gave him the trusty shotgun and the yellow key card (cuz no one ever seems to draw him with the keys). The level this is on is either the Canyon, Or Quarry... Honestly I cant quite remember. I Tried playing through it just to find it again, but Im running an emulator (my disk is completely fucked), and its sped up to the point where I'm getting killed by Former Humans and Imps in the first few minutes... meh maybe its just newer games making me soft. Games where so much more challenging back then...

So anyway, Enjoy and stay hearty!

EDIT: Changed a few things, mainly added some extra textures and some lighting, as it was looking a bit bare.
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1600x900px 4.9 MB
© 2012 - 2024 Helios437
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MarcytheYokaiVampire's avatar
First off, whoa since when did Doom through Final doom come for the PSX? :3
second is it me or does the shotgun look almost like the shotgun from DOOM 3?
awesome art tho I love doom ^^